Monday, October 27, 2008

A single step...

So the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Some wise person said that, back in the days when it literally meant just that. It still stretches my mind that some truths are universal, throughout space and time, language, culture, distance. We toss around philosophy as samples of universal truth. What gets me are solid facts that don't change, like that the moon is the same moon that Jesus and Galileo and Isaac Newton and Christopher Columbus and George Washington all looked at. And at how big the world is, and how small I am on it. This is like yoga for my brain.

But I digress.

My entire life has been about the destination. I have worked for 25 years with the sole intention of completing the education I have up to this point. Have I missed some sights along the way? Maybe. Probably. Who knows. I do know that I have sacrificed for it, and have had others sacrifice too. All of this begs the question: What is really important, the journey or the destination? I can hear the philosophers rising up in unison: IT IS THE JOURNEY! But is it really? For without a destination, the journey itself is only wanderings in the wilderness...

I have hesitated starting a blog, mostly because I felt that my life was not eventful enough to chronicle. We don't have kids. We don't take vacations or travel. We have few other noteworthy interests. We work. A lot. And no one wants to hear about that. We have busy lives, just like everyone, but until now it has seemed that those things were not worthy of mention.

But maybe they are. Maybe analyzing the seemingly unimportant aspects of your life is how to stop and smell the roses. My journey has been long already, and already there are pieces I have forgotten. As I turned 30 this year, I decided that I would be looking forward to the next decade of my life, rather than dwelling on the loss of the last one. This will be the decade in which I will hopefully meet my children. (No, I'm not pregnant.) Maybe this can also be a decade of personal growth and wisdom. With all that lies ahead for me, I would hope so.

So, in an effort to chronicle the journey to my next destination, here I go with my single step.


  1. yay for a new blog!!! i'll have to add you to my links!!

  2. Okay, you said this..."I have hesitated starting a blog, mostly because I felt that my life was not eventful enough to chronicle. We don't have kids. We don't take vacations or travel. We work. Alot. And no one wants to hear about that."

    It IS eventful, and people like me on the opposite side of the coin love the glimpses into your daily life and challenges. When I'm covered in poop and throw up I totally would give my right arm to be in your shoes and have all that knowledge that you have packed into your brain. *sigh* At least you are paid to get pooped on right??!! lmao!

    I'm so glad you finally got a blog!!! Welcome to the blogosphere!!!

  3. wow you sound so intelligent and smart (not that I ever thought you weren't). I'm gonna start a blog next year so everyone can keep up with my traveling to no man's land.
